AI in 2023 was “A Show with Really Good Actors”

Nate Smith-Manley
2 min readJan 1, 2024

As 2023 wraps up, it’s hard not to reflect on the meteoric rise and pervasive hype surrounding artificial intelligence (AI). This year, AI has been at the forefront of technological discussions, media headlines, and business strategies. It’s been like watching “a show with really good actors,” where AI is the star, captivating and mesmerizing us. But as the curtains close on this performance, I can’t help but ask: How much of it was real progress, and how much was just an illusion?

DALL E-3: The generated image visually encapsulates the theme of “A Show with Really Good Actors” in the context of AI hype. It portrays a theatrical stage with AI-themed elements, conveying the grandeur and the illusory aspect of AI advancements in 2023.

AI’s Grand Performance

The past year has seen AI take on increasingly complex tasks, from generating human-like text to creating art. The demonstrations were impressive, suggesting a future where AI could drive innovation across industries. But as someone deeply embedded in the tech world, I wonder if we’re applauding the spectacle rather than the substance.

The Hype vs. Reality

There’s a gap between AI’s portrayal in the media and its actual capabilities. The hype suggests we’re on the brink of achieving superintelligence, a form of AI that surpasses human intelligence in every domain. However, the reality is far more nuanced. AI, as it stands, is a tool — sophisticated, yes, but limited by the data it’s fed and the algorithms it’s built upon.

Business Applications: Promise vs. Profitability

Many businesses jumped on the AI bandwagon in 2023, integrating it into everything from customer service to marketing. While there have been success stories, the profitability and long-term sustainability of these AI applications remain in question. Will they evolve into essential business tools, or will they fade as the next big trend comes along?

2024: The Year of Grounded Expectations?

As we look towards 2024, it’s essential to recalibrate our expectations from AI. We need to move away from the narrative of AI as a magical solution and towards a realistic assessment of its capabilities and limitations. The focus should be on ethical implementation, addressing AI biases, and developing systems that complement human intelligence rather than trying to replace it.

Final Thoughts

2023 was an exciting year for AI, but it’s crucial to remember that we’re still far from the sci-fi fantasies often portrayed. AI has immense potential, but realizing it requires a grounded approach, focused on solving real-world problems and advancing human capabilities. As we enter 2024, let’s take off the rose-colored glasses and see AI for what it is — a powerful tool with great potential, but not yet the panacea for all our challenges.

