The World Will Be Watching

Nate Smith-Manley
2 min readMay 1, 2024

The next Democratic National Convention is scheduled to take place from August 19 to 22, 2024, at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois.

As the Democratic National Convention approaches, we stand at the threshold of a defining moment in our history. Our call is clear and our voice is unwavering: “The world is watching.”

We gather not as antagonists, but as architects of a new paradigm, champions of peace, and advocates for justice.

We converge from diverse backgrounds, driven by a shared vision for a world where dialogue triumphs over discord and where policies reflect the sanctity of peace.

We commit to peaceful protest, harnessing our collective energy to illuminate the path forward, not with flames of discord, but with the light of understanding and cooperation.

Armed with digital tools & the global stage of social media, every participant is both a witness and a broadcaster.

Our actions, captured and streamed in-2 homes around the world, are bound by a pledge of non-violence and respect for all voices.

This digital era transcends borders, ensuring that our peaceful message resonates in every corner of the earth. We urge our leaders to embrace policies that foster unity, dismantle inequality, & promote sustainable peace. Our presence is a reminder that leadership is a privilege bestowed by the governed, accountable not just in election years, but every day.

Reflecting on the tumult of 1968, we draw lessons not of division, but of the enduring power of collective action geared towards harmony. Let this convention be remembered not for conflict, but for the courage to construct a more peaceful world.

Watch us, join us, and support us as we lay down the arms of hostility and lift up the banner of peace.

Let our rallying cry, “The world is watching,” echo not as a threat, but as a promise — a promise of a more just, peaceful, and equitable world. Together, we are not just witnesses to history; we are the makers of it. Let us seize this moment to affirm our dedication to peace, to justice, & to the transformative power of unity. Join us in this journey, for in peace, we find the truest expression of our humanity.

